Lensing Repository

We have several lensing-related projects from which the data is available to the community.
First is the multi-plane ray-tracing maps that were made as part of and second is the grid of models (with group and galaxy catalogues) made as part of and the third is a thousand square degrees of data for a single cosmological model (with group and galaxy catalogues) described in A fourth set consisting of smaller lensing fields from a higher resolution run available by following this link and a fifth set with cosmology close to the WMAP3+LRG best fit cosmology is available by following this link.

A list of lensing-related papers by our group is at this HTTP URL.
Some useful plots for talks can be found at this HTTP URL.
Notes for lecture(s) given at the 2004 Santa Fe meeting are here (10MB).
Notes for lecture(s) given in 2004 (2.5MB) and 2005 (3.0MB).
Presentation given at the STEP meeting July 2005 is here (1.9MB).
Notes for lecture(s) given at the 2006 GGI meeting in Florence are here (3.5MB).
A package for accurate P(k) interpolation (the Cosmic Emu) is here.

Martin White's Home Page.
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